Best Brown Bread

This recipe is another from my cousin Hilary's recipe book and it is so tasty and filling.

Hilary’s Bread (Halve recipe for two loaves)

Whole bag of flour (Cotswold Crunch from Aldi)

2 sachets dried yeast

Glug of oil (approx. 4 tbsp)

Handful of salt (25grms)

2 handful mixed seeds (optional)

2/3 handful porridge oats (optional)

One and a quarter litres warm water

Blend ingredients in mixer on a dough hook (or by hand) needs to be quite a wet mix,

flour and turn out and knead to bread consistency.

Prove for an hour at least, leave as long as you like (use an oiled plastic bag to stop it drying out)

Knock back/shape - Leave for an hour

Bake at 180 for 45 mins

If recipe too heavy add a little white flour to make it lighter.


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